DIY or Professional Video?
Why You Should Invest in a Professional Video for your Business
We encourage all businesses to get involved with video marketing, whether professionally, having a go yourself, or a combination of both.
A key question that we get asked regularly is ‘what is the difference between when I do it myself or when you do it for me?’
Do you have a plan for what you are going to talk about? Have you completed a script? If not, odds are that you will veer off topic and not cover the essential message. We will work with you to make sure your message targets those who need to hear it. We work with you to produce a script and load it onto a teleprompter to help you look and sound more confident.
You have your phone and intend to use that, unfortunately there is no external mic and depending on location and time of day you will have to make do with what light there is. We use professional gear, HD camera(s), mics that diminish room noise and lighting that simulates natural light at anytime of day.
Then you get to editing your production. The video is starting to look like sometime ‘you did’:- it’s jumpy, no graphics, music is poor and finding time to finish it means it’s still not done days or weeks later. We are able to edit on powerful, purpose-built computers, creating smooth transitions, excellent graphics, music that enhances your production and you are experiencing your first viewing within 24 hours.
Now you have the finished product. You load it onto YouTube and are the only person viewing it. We will help you with posting and optimising to activate search engines.
We also offer you an Instagram version and bonus stills taken during filming that you can use to promote your business further. You will rarely get to watch your new video because you are too busy taking orders.
So if you ever get started, and even less likely, complete the project, chances are you have missed an opportunity and wasted hours of your time. We will make it happen and will be there to work on future projects as you continually reap the benefits of your marketing video experience.
And finally if we do it for you there is a much greater chance the idea will get off your ideas board and out into the business arena.
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